Want to live your dream of flying at least once in your life?

Interested in paramotoring, but not sure that it’s for you yet?

Discovery Tandem Flight

Come and discover the magic of flying tandem! Ryze will not only take you on the flight of your life, but we’ll also give you some insight into what you’ll experience in Basic Training.
Discovery Tandem is the best way to decide if paramotor is for you. Take off effortlessly and discover what is paramotor flight around Central Oregon. Location is dependent on weather. If you decide to enroll in Basic Training with Ryze, enjoy a $100 discount towards your course fee.
Requirement: Must be 15 yrs or older
Weight range 70lbs to 200lbs max.

Book your Tandem:

Indicate how many people want to fly, their weights, and your preferred date. We will contact you before the D-date to confirm the weather forecast.